Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"but not here, babe"

 I wrote this a month or two ago when I was really baked. It probably is a bad idea really, but I like to talk shit to and about whatever gods might be paying attention.

There are millions of gods


raining, which means

some god is out there 

working like a chump

writing poetry and selling drugs

i guess could

be construed as work

but there is pleasure in these things

okay I'll admit

If i had the ability

it might be fun pissing on this world

but doesn't it get old?

gods can get really old, I'm going to die soon 

then I'll be' reborn and 

i'll live and be young anew

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"But I know I mean nothing/I'm just drugs to you"

My asshole friend keeps talking about this poem written by musician/poet /suicide David Berman. It's called The Moon :https://melodicverses.com/poems/36495/The-Moon I was gettingsick of it so I was like fuck it, I'ma write an actual poem about the goddamn moon.

I was planning on actually ripping some stuff off from Berman, but the narrator kind of co-opted the thing. No, this is not writtten from my point of view We share some traits, but I don't know that dude.

Almost every time I write anything I am thinking of at least one person I know ir. This poem is strange bcuz for once that wasn't the case. I don't know what I was thinking about. I'm high. Leave me alone.

One last thing . No matter how i might feel about Berman's work, he did write the following sad ass song, so he has my eternal respect:. https://youtu.be/A4qPyhQPFl0 seriously, this is one of the saddest songs I have ever heard. It breaks my heart every single time.

"the fucking moon (fuck the moon)"

if i could fuck anything
i would fuck the moon 
i would stay there forever
covered in come and silence 
with my dick in a crater

we don't like the moon 
stupid yellow bastard
we like it in the dark
where we can do drugs and fornicate

I don't like how
the moon fills people with hope
hope does not really exist
there is doom 
and there is god 

but god feels so far away
like the moon
thats far away, too


we didn't ask any questions
we stumbled through the north
we were diamonds cursing light

by the time the sun went away
we were lit enough to make our own light
but then came the moon
in our faces, like a threat

you don't have to come down
if you die from an overdose
and you don't have to look at the moon
if you close the curtains
and don't go outside

but we have to go outside
because that's where the party is
and everything interesting
happens at night

so the stupid moon
will have its slutty way with us
it's almost as bad as the sun


you were talking in your sleep
some shit about the moon
you sounded like that dude
in that stephen king novel where a lot of people died

the city sleeps
and you sleep
but i rarely sleep
even when I'm not on dope

at this hour
i can walk the streets
and not be bothered
but i worry something bad might happen
if i leave you alone

i spent so much time by myself
i have no idea how to act now

you deal with my stupid bullshit
like my obsession with the moon
thank you for
i hope you never regret
the kind things you have done for me


let's pretend we're back in time
when things like
the moon didn't bother us

maybe if 
we hold each other tight
we can forget the moon
and that we ever feared anything

So this next poem is dumb, but I told Chris I was going to post it online. Here's what I said in an email when I first sent him a bit of it:

"Remember the other day when you basically said all my poems were about drugs? I was a bit angry for a minute, but then I remembered that you're a bitch. So I decided that I actually would wrote a poem about drugs called "fuck you, chris white", and it is the worst poem ever written bcuz you are the worst person to ever live.

Anyhow .this is ridiculous and totally dumb, and that's why it amuses me. It is basically the middle of the poem, but I am sending it to you before i finish  editing the rest bcuz I am hoping it annoys the shit out of you."

Heh, verbally abusing each other is a very important aspect of our relationship, okay?

"fuck you, chris white (do more drugs/drug poem #1)"

i wish to live
a life without regrets
i will go to great lengths
to keep myself safe

what is life
if not a lie 
we tell to ourselves and others
over and again,?

Come on, you've got to buy into my bullshit
it's the only way 
i'll be able to believe in it myself

the world is a cloud 
and i am a cloud
do i wish to always be a cloud?

i do not know what i wish
except to be with god
but i am not pure
i cannot be with god
so i continue to get high 
and go there that way.

inside our heads
we are all our own gods
i like to live in there
but i need to remember
to sometimes look outside

when i look outside
i see krishna in everything
and i take a bit more dope 
to further confuse my senses
is this my dharma
or will that have to wait?


i met a god, once
it appeared to me as a cloud
of a type i had not seen before

 i did not try to talk, at first
i remembered that i was high
and possibly incoherent

it spoke and it told me
that i should go hard
i replied that i had
it said that I should
go as hard as i could

"jeffrey, the thing is
someone has decided that you will be
the poster child for self destruction
it seems that those fuckers
need a patron saint

so i said:;"well, shit
i guess I'm your boy
i will live forever
and consistently implode"

so good people
you must now see
there is a reason why
i have to do drugs


i will go to my grave
telling anyone who will listen
that they should do drugs

i've tried them most, except
for that one, the one that scares me
I'm worried that 
it might kill another person i love

how dare i say anything 
about anyone's personal drug use
i am consistently high, and 
i'm not even all that picky, i'll snort everything 

it's okay, don't worry
pretty much all of us are incapable
of protecting the things we care about

you'll end up in the smoke 
if you think on things  like this too long
but in the smoke
everywhere, there is love, beauty, and
someday we will remember nothing
someday we will be with our gods

everything is everything
as has been, will ever be
everything moves along

Thursday, April 2, 2020

"If you're foolishly in love with me/then it's a fine day for sure"

A blog entry?sure, why not. I don't do that very often.
This was written for a Facebook writing group. The organizer ( the fabulous Michael Hession) provides a title n the group has at it.

Scott Hutchinson was a musician  most famous for his band Frightened Rabbit. He wrote a song called Swim Until You Can't  See Land that basically told  listeners exactly how he planned to kill himself.  Then 8 years later  he drowned himself,  fulfilling the promise.  It sucks that he's gone, but fuck. What a badass thing to do. This is the kind of shit legends are built from.

"the ocean is quite a thing (in memory of scott hutchinson)"

the ocean is quite a thing
it stays, (maybe it's dreaming) it
just stays there
it doesn't choose to intervene

when i need to stare at something
i stare at water, and
I could get lost
i could go into the sea
and never come out

someone once said that
"the sea is a good place to think of the future"
but i don't want to think about the future
there's a woman nearby
who wants to spend some time with me
this affair may end badly

someone asked me what i was thinking  about
through my smile I said:
"the ocean"
jane got to los angeles, and she was tired
she knew life would get worse
the fucking thing is exhausting
but she was near the ocean
she could smell the salt air

by a river so dry
it was barely a river at all
she sat and thought of her parents
and their reaction
and her ex-boyfriend's reaction

sorry to move along, but
life on a farm in flatland
is two dimensional at best
a person can live a life
and never go anywhere

such a fate could be a death
to some eccentric souls
some people need movement
new faces, new cities
new and similar problems to hide from

where will the wind take us?
should we drift to sea?
i guess i would live underwater
if i could

then again
i would miss the internet
most of my friends
books, and some of my family

but, to be a fish
oh, to be a fish
if i had the chance to be a fish
i would be a fish

do i want to be a fish?
yes, i want to be a fish

jane has no interest in school or  fame, or other glamorous shit
she inherited some money
and she was bored
and she wanted to live by the ocean

unasked, some questions are best that way
like: where did granpa get all that money?
granma might have known
but she took that noise with her
when she went down

it probably doesn't matter
when jane dissapeared
into the west and sunshine
people wondered if her body was in the ocean
she was never heard from again

i've threatened to drown myself
almost as often as scott hutchinson
unlike that legend, i probably won't
but I wonder: how would it feel
to go into the ocean and never come out?

or to come out as something else
nothing ends, things just change
and that's what i want, i want
to live another life
but i'll probably just fuck that up, too
whenever i get there

oh christ, it sounds tiresome
life after life after endless fucking life
so i look for people that i have loved before
connections one wouldn't think possible, they happen

the ocean, like krishna
is infinite and almighty
but i think i would prefer
to be in the god's embrace
i don't want to be anything
i just want to dissipate
into energy and light