Thursday, April 2, 2020

"If you're foolishly in love with me/then it's a fine day for sure"

A blog entry?sure, why not. I don't do that very often.
This was written for a Facebook writing group. The organizer ( the fabulous Michael Hession) provides a title n the group has at it.

Scott Hutchinson was a musician  most famous for his band Frightened Rabbit. He wrote a song called Swim Until You Can't  See Land that basically told  listeners exactly how he planned to kill himself.  Then 8 years later  he drowned himself,  fulfilling the promise.  It sucks that he's gone, but fuck. What a badass thing to do. This is the kind of shit legends are built from.

"the ocean is quite a thing (in memory of scott hutchinson)"

the ocean is quite a thing
it stays, (maybe it's dreaming) it
just stays there
it doesn't choose to intervene

when i need to stare at something
i stare at water, and
I could get lost
i could go into the sea
and never come out

someone once said that
"the sea is a good place to think of the future"
but i don't want to think about the future
there's a woman nearby
who wants to spend some time with me
this affair may end badly

someone asked me what i was thinking  about
through my smile I said:
"the ocean"
jane got to los angeles, and she was tired
she knew life would get worse
the fucking thing is exhausting
but she was near the ocean
she could smell the salt air

by a river so dry
it was barely a river at all
she sat and thought of her parents
and their reaction
and her ex-boyfriend's reaction

sorry to move along, but
life on a farm in flatland
is two dimensional at best
a person can live a life
and never go anywhere

such a fate could be a death
to some eccentric souls
some people need movement
new faces, new cities
new and similar problems to hide from

where will the wind take us?
should we drift to sea?
i guess i would live underwater
if i could

then again
i would miss the internet
most of my friends
books, and some of my family

but, to be a fish
oh, to be a fish
if i had the chance to be a fish
i would be a fish

do i want to be a fish?
yes, i want to be a fish

jane has no interest in school or  fame, or other glamorous shit
she inherited some money
and she was bored
and she wanted to live by the ocean

unasked, some questions are best that way
like: where did granpa get all that money?
granma might have known
but she took that noise with her
when she went down

it probably doesn't matter
when jane dissapeared
into the west and sunshine
people wondered if her body was in the ocean
she was never heard from again

i've threatened to drown myself
almost as often as scott hutchinson
unlike that legend, i probably won't
but I wonder: how would it feel
to go into the ocean and never come out?

or to come out as something else
nothing ends, things just change
and that's what i want, i want
to live another life
but i'll probably just fuck that up, too
whenever i get there

oh christ, it sounds tiresome
life after life after endless fucking life
so i look for people that i have loved before
connections one wouldn't think possible, they happen

the ocean, like krishna
is infinite and almighty
but i think i would prefer
to be in the god's embrace
i don't want to be anything
i just want to dissipate
into energy and light

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